Adah Chapter, No. 22
Adah Chapter No. 22 O.E.S. was created out of a group of women, who organized as a club on February 11, 1962, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clifton M. Greene, Sr., 181 Westland Street, Hartford, Connecticut. They called themselves Tuscan Auxiliary. The first officers of the club were; President, Cleo Greene; Vice President, Frances Harper; Treasurer, Ella Monroe; Chaplain, Elizabeth Hannah; Correspondent Secretary, Mildred Martin; Financial Secretary, Agnes Martin Recording Secretary, Merilyn Graves. This club met every two weeks for a period of nine months.
At the third meeting, the members were visited by Dr. John E. Rogers, and he has been supporting all of their endeavors ever since.
On May 9, 1962, the Worthy Grand Matron, Annie Balle Goode, and Worthy Grand Patron Floyd Davis, of the Prince Hall Grand Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star, Jurisdiction of New England, met with the club to inform the members of the requirements that had to be met in order to be eligible for membership in the Order of the Eastern Star.
At a meeting of the club on June 17, 1962, the members decided that they would name their Chapter Adah.
The members were notified on August 5, 1962, that they would be initiated in the Order of Eastern Star on August 25, 1962.
On August 25, 1962, the following members of Tuscan Auxiliary, were initiated in the Order of Eastern Star, by members of Stella Chapter No. 16, O.E.S., and from that time were known as Adah Chapter # 22, Order of Eastern Star; Elouise Wilson, Angeline Williams-Bey, Pearl Moore, Merilyn Graves, Mildred Martin, Agnes Martin, Carrie Dickens, Ella Monroe, Hilda Wright, Betty McIntosh, Carol Matthews, Mary Johnson, Lucille Barnett, Edith Cain, Annie McIntosh, Lorraine Hill, Rushie Black, Cleo Greene, Robert Matthews, Clifton Greene Sr., and Rogers Barnett.
Meetings were continued in the individual homes of members, until the Prince Hall Grand Chapter met and voted on issuing a charter to the organization.
On October 19, 1962, Adah Chapter No. 22 O.E.S. Prince Hall Affiliation became a part of the Prince Hall Grand Chapter, when they received their Charter under dispensation, from the Grand Worthy Patron, Bro. Harvey Walker.
Chapter Members:
Agnes Tilley-Martin*
Lorraine Hill*
Betty McIntosh
Marilyn Graves
Cleo Greene*
Robert Matthews*
Ella Monroe*
Hilda Wright
Annie McIntosh
Mary Johnson*
Carrie Dickens*
Pearl Moore*
Edith Cain*
Eloise Wilson*
Angeline Williams-Bey*
Lucille Barnett*
Carol Matthews*
Mildred Martin*
Clifton M. Greene*
Roger Barnett*
Rushie Black*
Alice Davis
The members continued to meet in various homes until they received their Charter Under Dispensation on October 19, 1962, from Worthy Grand Patron, Brother Harvey H. Walker.Â