Grand Chapter Officers
2023-2024 Grand Officers - Appointed
Grand Adah - Patricia Joyner - Sheba #1
Grand Ruth - Betty Roberson - Ruth #25
Grand Esther - Teneshia Brown - Oriental #8
Grand Martha - Tonya Barham - Eureka #2
Grand Electa - Halima Flynn - Eureka #2
Grand Warder - Flora Crump - Miriam #26
Grand Sentinel - Anthony Dawson - Eureka #2
Grand Chaplain - Judy B. Simpson - Adah #22
Grand Assistant Chaplain - Steve Godfrey - Sheba #1
Grand Christian Flag - Eartha McCord - Oriental #8
Grand U.S. Flag - Helen Robinson - Dorcas #14
Grand OES Flag - Mabel Ferrell - Oriental #8
Grand Marshal in the East - Deanna Hassiem - Calisto #4
Grand Marshal in the West - Torrance Clinepeat - Eureka #2
Grand Appointed 1 yr. Trustees - Richard Shamburger - #7 Marvin Baker - #7
Grand Special Deputy - Kaprice Miller - Eureka #2
Grand Asst. Special Deputy - Alex Miller - Eureka #2
District Deputies
District #1 – Carrie Jackson - Miriam #26 - Trevor White - Oriental #8
District #2 – Janice Sullivan - Sheba #1
District #3 - Charlene Ceasar - Stella #16
District #4 - Kizziy Bonsu-Johnson - Adah #22
Grand Lecturer - Ruth Weldon - Oriental #8
Grand Assistant Lecturer - Charles Ellison - Eureka #2
District Lecturers
District #1 – Andrew Robinson - Oriental #8
District #2 – LaTisha Clinepeat - Eureka #2
District #3 - Catherine McLennon - Stella #16
District #4 - Jayjuan McMillian - Ruth #25
Grand Advisors to GWM -B.Charles-#1, M.Tucker-#2, P.Hargrove-#2, C.Adams-#14
Grand Advisors to GWP -H. Grey-#2, S. Mitchell-#8, W. Randolph-#16
Grand CCFC - Sonda J. Thomas, PGWM - Eureka #2
Grand Recorder - Gloria Willson - Electa #7
Grand Personal Assistant to GWM - LaShelle Morman - Electa #7
Grand Personal Assistant to GWP - Alex Miller - Eureka #2
Grand Historian - Cynthia King - Dorcas #14
Grand Photographers- Albert Alston - #2, Geraldine Whitehead - #26
Annual Address - Bryana Minor - Eureka #2
Annual Returns – Hazel Walker-Frankson - Adah #22
Appeals and Grievances – Irvin Reid - Electa #7
Arts and Crafts – Katrina Stoogenke - Oriental #8
Audit - Pamela Rucker(Chairperson) - #4, Sandra Martin - #4, Matthew Stanley - #22
Bertha B. Deas U.N.C.F. - Gregory Gatison - Sheba #1
Budget - Kelvin Jackson - Miriam #26
Charity, Good Cheer/Sickness & Distress- Ngina McMillian - Ruth #25
Charters & Dispensations - Richard A. Gaskins III - Eureka #2
Community Service - Barbara Mincey - Eureka #2
Conference & Retreat - Danielle Williams - Eureka #2
Constitution & Code - H. Grey - #2, M. Tucker - #2, P. Hargrove - #2, I. Reid - #7, ALL
Credentials – Gail Hall(Chairperson) -#8, Bethann Holmes(Co-Chairperson) -#7
Event Coordinator/Planner - H. Grey(Chairperson) - #2, P. Hargrove - #2, C. Adams -#14
Finance – Willie Foster - Stella #16
First Aid and Health – Tomeaka Potts - Miriam #26
Fundraiser Chair for PHGC - Mae Brown - Sheba #1
Hospitality - Floresia Allen(Chairperson) -#7, Linda McLaughlin - #2, Denise Daniels - #4
Jurisprudence - S. Mitchell(Chairperson) -#8, GAM, GAP, GC, GAC, Past Grands, WM's & WP's
Kit Bags – Felicia Andrews(Chairperson) - Calsito #4, JoAnn Miller - Eureka #2
Musician - Mae Brown - Sheba #1
Obituary – Frankie Duarte - Eureka #2
Protocol for Guest - Lavern Jenkins - Calisto #4
Public Relations/Scholarship – Dorothy Langly - Miriam #26
Registration - M. Hudson-Streater(Chairperson)-#2, F. Duarte -#2, K. Miller -#2, N. Sims -#2
Rules - Naomi Chapman Taylor - Dorcas #14
School of Instruction - Tamja Grey-Moore - Eureka #2
Souvenir Journal - Stacie Silva(Chairperson) - #25 V. Denise Collins(Co-Chairperson) - #4
Star Day/Unity Day - Mary Armstrong - Ruth #25 Willie Foster - Stella #16, AM's & AP's
Transportation – Shirley Belcher - Ruth #25
Unfinished Business - Joyce Lundy - Ruth #25
Unity Day - Sis. Mary L. Armstrong, GAM (25); Bro. Willie Foster, GAP (16)
Vendors – Laura Johnson-Dawson(Chairperson) - Eureka #2 Felecia Jones - Eureka #2
Website Administrative - DeLandra Grey - Eureka #2
Youth Director Order of Novae – DeLandra Grey - Eureka #2