Dorcas Chapter, No. 14
Dorcas Chapter, No. 14
Dorcas Chapter No. 14, was instituted on October 13, 1920, under this Grand Body, known at that time as Prince Hall Grand Chapter of New England and its Jurisdiction. Sis. Lina M. Mitchell serving as Grand Worthy Matron and Bro. William Jackson serving as Grand Worthy Patron.
Sis. Rebecca Tanner was the first Worthy Matron. Bro. William Stokes the first Worthy Patron. Sis. Rosa Jones the first Associate Matron. The following were members: Sisters Louise Brooks, Charlotte Stokes, Cora Watson, Carrie Terrell, Louise Wilson, Janette Abrams, Lillie Dent, Mary Goode, Estrelle Mitchell, Cornelia Hill, Mary Lewis, Ruth Emery and Brothers: William Abraham, Thomas Bryd and Benjamin Watson.
Dorcas Chapter No. 14 has had four Grand Worthy Matrons: Sisters Bertha H. Walker, Nellie F. Lockhart, Fredericka S. Creighton and Corine E. Adams; six Grand Worthy Patrons Brothers Edward B. Jones, Harvey A. Walker, Garland N. Creighton, Sr., Ralph L. Lockhart, John L. Baldwin and Gerald Cropper.
Sis. Nellie F. Lockhart was the last Worthy Matron to serve as Grand Worthy Matron of Prince Hall Grand Chapter of New England and its Jurisdiction. After her administration it became Prince Hall Grand Chapter, State of Connecticut. She was instrumental in forming two new Chapters, Ruth Chapter #25 and Areme Chapter #3 of Rhode Island and formulation of Prince Hall Grand Chapter of Rhode Island.
Each year Dorcas has: an Easter Egg hunt for the homeless and children in the community; a Christmas Party for the homeless and the children in the community; Toys and refreshments are presented to the children ,which are supplied by the members, the local newspaper (the Stamford Advocate) and other companies in the community.
The Annual Events are the above plus Annual Breakfast in May, the Annual Luncheon in October and giving out Thanksgiving and Christmas Baskets to the needy. They also service meals at the men’s shelter and the senior housing.
In August 1956, eleven members of Dorcas Chapter No. 14, who resided in Norwalk, Connecticut formed the “Heart and Hand Club”, in order to have a Chapter.
On January 5, 2018, Deborah Chapter No. 21 surrender it’s charter to the Grand Chapter and return[KM1] ed back to Dorcas Chapter No. 14. Upon merging, elections were held and Sis. Daisy Franklin became Worthy Matron and Bro. Larry Hunter Worthy Patron. Since the merger, we are working as one unit and seeking one common goal to make Dorcas Chapter No. 14 better and stronger.