Miriam Chapter, No. 26

A letter was sent to the Prince Hall Grand Chapter, Order of Eastern Star, State of Connecticut and Jurisdiction requesting permission to form a working club in Middletown, CT. 


On May 22, 1983, we met as a group under the direction of Past Grand Patron William Randolph and Past Grand Patron Clifton Greene to form a working club to prepare them to organize an Order of Eastern Star Chapter in Middletown. To get the Club started the following officers were elected: President Laura Stuckey, Vice President Roland Cockfield, Secretary Barbara Cockfield and Treasurer Lillie Cain. Our Club will be called “The Prosperity Club”.


On February 26, 1984 Grand Worthy Matron Hortense B. Wilson, Grand Worthy Patron Theodore Wilson, Bro. Garland Creighton, Chairman of Jurisprudence Committee, Past Grand Patron William Randolph and Past Grand Patron Clifton Greene met with our club and discussed with us the plans for forming an Order of Eastern Star Chapter. Laura Stuckey was elected as Worthy Matron and Roland Cockfield as Worthy Patron. 


Subsequently at a meeting in March 1984 Past Grand Patron William Randolph met with and elected a slate of officers for our U.D. Chapter. The named voted on to call that Chapter was “Miriam.”


September 15, 1984 Grand Worthy Matron Hortense B. Wilson formally introduced Miriam Chapter No. 26 U.D. at the 90th Annual Grand Session at the Parkview Hotel in Hartford, Connecticut.


From 2009 thru 2011, at the request of the Grand Chapter, Miriam Chapter and Naomi Chapter #9 (New Britain) held their Chapter Meeting together.


Throughout the years, Miriam Chapter has been an active part of the Middletown Community.